Biodiversity Box


A Garden in a Box: Biodiversity and Beauty all year

Discover the beauty of nature with our Biodiversity Box - a self-sustaining garden planter designed to provide a thriving habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Featuring a year-round selection of colorful, scented, and edible perennial plants, this low-maintenance solution offers an instant, sustainable garden in a box. With a built-in water-retaining system, wildlife-friendly mini pond, and solar-powered fountain, it's the perfect addition to any community garden or outdoor space.


  • Biodiversity: The planter attracts and supports various wildlife, including birds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.

  • Beauty: Enjoy an year-round colorful display of edible, perennial plants.

  • Sustainability: This eco-friendly aspects of the planter includes as the self-watering system and low-maintenance design.

  • Convenience: Easy to maintain - the ultimate "instant garden in a box"


  • Self-Watering System: The system works by using a reservoir of water built into the planter that you can just top up once a week in the hot weather - the plants are then watered from the roots which is beneficial for plant health and convenience.

  • Mini Pond: The wildlife-friendly features of the pond is potential for attracting aquatic creatures and for a source of drinking water for birds and other creatures that will visit your garden.

  • Solar-Powered Fountain: Discover the environmental benefits and aesthetic appeal of the fountain.

  • Perennial Plants: A Fruit Tree Guild planting plan which includes a fruit tree, herbs, fruit bush and edible flowers. You will have a seasonal display of bulbs including crocus for spring colour, alliums for the summer and nerines for autumn delight.

  • Log pile: To attract insects and other beneficial creatures.

  • Bird Box: A built in bird house to provide a much needed habitat to attract birds such as blue tits and coal tits or chose a box that can provide a nesting site for a tree sparrow.